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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our answers to the most frequently asked questions

Do you have a question regarding GBA Group, our services or the process of cooperation?

In our detailed FAQ section you will find our answers to the most frequently asked questions quickly and clearly.

Schneller ans Ziel

Proforma Invoice & Shipping Guidelines from Non-EU Nations to Germany

Assistance with the new EU import regulations

A correct and complete proforma invoice will be essential as an accompanying document when shipping your goods. We have put together an examplary invoice for you, including all the necessary data. If data is missing or incorrect, it would automatically lead to queries from your logistics company, e.g. DHL, in the shipping and customs clearance process, and thus to a delay in shipping and a later delivery of your goods and test samples.

Proforma Invoice Hamburg
Proforma Invoice Hameln

Shipping Guidelines from Non-EU Nations to Germany

Häufige Fragen zu Proben & Probenentnahme

Frequently asked questions about samples

What do I need to consider when sending additional sample material?

When sending additional material, it has to be labeled correctly. The additional material must correspond with the label on the original sample. Furthermore, it must be labeled with the term “Additional Material” and the GBA number.

Why are there so few substances on my test report for pesticides?

The entire spectrum is always analyzed. However, only the pesticides with results above the limit of quantification and/or the reporting limit are listed in the report.

How much sample material should I send?

The sample amount depends on the scope of analysis. There is a minimum quantity per analysis listed on your quotation. If you would like to order both microbiological and chemical parameters, we recommend sending two samples per batch.

Was a double determination conducted?

This depends on the method and the order. In principle, it is possible to conduct double determinations.

To whom should I send my samples?

Please send your samples to your individual contact person at the GBA Group. If you do not yet have a contact person or you are no longer sure who that is, then you may also send your samples directly to the sample entry department.

Häufige Fragen zum Ablauf

Frequently asked questions about processes

Can I use my own order form and send it to GBA?

This is possible as long as the minimum requirements for an order form are fulfilled (see point "What other Information should be contained in an order form").

What are the opening hours of the sample entry department?

The opening hours of the sample entry department are Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

What is the address for handing over samples?

Samples can be dropped off at any of our locations as long as an agreement has been reached in advance. If arranged beforehand, samples can also be dropped off outside of the opening hours. You can find a list of our locations here:

Where can I find my customer number?

The GBA Group lists its customers according to the company name, so there is no customer number.

How does GBA ensure that the results are valid?

The laboratories of the GBA Group are tested and accredited by the DAkkS. This accreditation ensures that the company meets the high standards set by the DAkkS and implements them. The certificates held by the companies in the GBA Group can be found here:

What other information should be contained in an order form?

In order to ensure that your order is processed smoothly, it is essential that your samples are accompanied by a signed order form on paper. This order must contain the following information:

• The main contact person at your company (including telephone number and/or email address)

• Company name and address

• Invoice recipient (with an email address) and/or the recipient of the test report (if this differs from the invoice recipient)

• Name of the sample material (in as much detail as possible)

• Information for traceability (e.g., batch/lot number, best-before date, production date, shipment number)

• Scope of analysis (the required parameters) for each sample

• Additional information that may be necessary for the test report (e.g. organic/conventional, supplier, article number)

How is an order processed? When do I receive my test report?

After the sample arrives, it is registered in our system. After registration, you receive an order confirmation. Subsequently, the sample is prepared and processed for the analysis. After the measurement takes place, the results are checked. Then the test report is created.

Häufige Fragen zur Dauer

Frequently asked questions about duration

If I provide a specific deadline or a comment such as “urgent,” “rush,” or “please carry out ASAP,” does this have any effect on the duration of the analysis?

No, the analysis can only be accelerated by using the phrase “express fee.” Please note that additional costs will be charged for express analyses.

What does express analysis mean? What are the express conditions that I can expect?

A detailed explanation of our express conditions can be found here

Does Saturday count as a workday?

Saturday is not a normal workday at the GBA Group. On Saturdays, there are no employees on-site, meaning that no new analyses will be started, and in-process analyses will not be continued on that day.

Can you tell me the exact time of day that I will receive my results?

No, in general this is not possible.

When will I receive the results of my order?

We can finish most analyses in 5 working days (excluding the day that the sample arrives, as well as Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays). You can find further information about our analytical times in our quotations.

When do I receive my invoice?

Normally the invoice is generated within the first 4 weeks after the order is completed.

Häufige Fragen zu Kundenbetreuern

Frequently asked questions about Customer Service Representatives

Who is my customer service representative or where can I find this information?

The name of your customer service representative can be found on the test report at the top right.

I can’t reach my customer service representative on the telephone, who can help me?

If your individual customer service representative cannot be reached, then please feel free to call our central number and they will put you through to the appropriate department.

Where can I inquire about my analytical test results?

You can receive information about your analytical results from your individual customer service representative.

Why do I suddenly seem to have a different customer service representative?

When an employee is on vacation or unavailable for a longer period, our internal substitution system goes into effect. In this case, you will be assisted by the customer service representative who is responsible for backing up your primary contact person.

Still looking for answers?

Feel free to use our callback-service. Our customer service representatives will gladly assist you.


Request for an offer or callback

Do you have questions about a certain topic? You need an individual offer?

Please, use our services to inform us about your matter of interest. You can also reach us by telephone at +49 40 797172-0

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